Thursday, March 19, 2009

A LIL LIGHT #01 Georgia Anne Muldrow

This is the first "A Lil Light" segment of my blog. In this I will highlight an artist which I feel is just outta this world and one of a kind.

This months artist will be none other then Ms Georgia Anne Muldrow out of Los Angeles , California. This is one busy girl from Production to writing shes a do it herself soulful body and her collaborations with everybody from Platinum Pied Pipers, Ms Badu, Sa - Ra & Dudley Perkins. She does seem to be close with Dudley Perkins (aka Declaime) the both have put out two full albums and an Ep out under the name "G&D" (Georgia & Dudley) "Message Uni Versa","SomeOthaShip: Connect Game EP" & "Dj 2tall Presents G&D - Beautiful Mindz". She can probably explain it better herself here's a "LINK" to an interview she and Dudley did in Toronto while @ The Red Bull Academy.

Also check out

Here's a list of her albums and where you can get them:

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